Co-Occurring Disorders
DCRT believes that People who have substance abuse disorders as well as mental health disorders are diagnosed as having co-occurring disorders, or dual disorders. In the past, mental health disorders and addiction problems were often treated separately, we now know that co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders impact one another and must be treated together. By treating one the other doesn’t go away. To be effective, both disorders must be treated at the same time, in the same place, by the same treatment team. This is called integrated treatment. DCRT Has a skilled team in place with the ability to address mental health disorders and refer out more severe cases.
So what does that look like? Well, since we are licensed as an Opioid Treatment Program you will be evaluated for Substance Abuse issues and if you are accepted you begin getting counseling and medication (usually methadone). After a few sessions you may get a mental health screening and depending on the results may be scheduled for a mental health evaluation at our clinic. Mild-Moderate cases will recieve either long or short term mental health counseling as a part of the program. We will co-ordinate care for those with severe physical, ranging from in patient care, hospitals, hospice, pallitive care, to day programs and outpatient specialty counseling.
This is how we are different!