Addiction Recovery Services and Non-Medication Treatment
Non-Medication treatment will always be considered first as we believe that there are many ways to overcome addiction. At Duke City Recovery Toolbox you will be given a comprehensive assessment and at that time will you be advised of your treatment options. This may only include 1:1 counseling and or group therapy.
Medication Assisted Treatment -OPIOIDS
Methadone Treatment Methadone is a synthetic opioid, used medically as an analgesic and a maintenance anti-addictive for use in patients with opioid dependency.
Suboxone Therapy Suboxone is designed for anyone addicted to opiates. Opiate addiction affects people from all walks of life, from the executive addicted to Vicodin or oxycontin to the young heroin addict. Suboxone offers hope to all who suffer from addiction to opiates.